Member Options & Pricing - Memberships | Amazing Trails Namibia

Member Options & Pricing

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Are you considering becoming a member of the Amazing Trails community?

By enrolling in one of our subscription options, you'll gain access to a wide array of exciting benefits, and our dedicated team will take care of uploading three of your fantastic trails located on your property. Let's explore the numerous advantages and the associated pricing plans in detail.

Option 1 Option 2

Upload 3 trail listings on your property as well as
Your Logo, Website Link and Booking Contact Details

Subscription is on an annual basis, valid for 12 months from listing.

Trail Type
Hiking, Biking or 4x4
Trail Name
i.e. The Scenic Route
Trail Owner
URL to your property and its details
Trail Type
Biking, Hiking and or Running
Open Closed Maintenance
In kilometer
In meter
In meter
Avg Time
Time it takes to complete the Trail
Easy Medium Advanced Extreme
hard, moderate, easy - based on an average fit person
One Direction or Both Directions
Starting location
A pointer on our interactive map
1x Image
for search entries and banner.
9x Images
for gallery, search entries and banner.
Trail Description
Comprehensive write up of trail and it highlights
All 9 images will feature on your trail page as a gallery.
Google Map *
Trail plotting on an interactive Goolge Map
Elevation graph *
Visualisation graph of elevation
Statistics of how many people have clicked on your trails as well as revealed the trail location (directions via Google) telephone number, email address and downloads.
Statistics of how many people have opened your trail
Statistics of how many people have sent enquiries via the in-site form on your trail page
N$ 2000
per month valid for 12 months
N$ 5000
per month valid for 12 months

** These require a visit and completion of the trail with our GPS and Elevation plotting equipment.

Become a member

Have you made a decision on which option might suit you best?

Should you have questions, please contact us or if you would like to become a member Join us.

Our Members

Thinking of signing up with Amazing Trails? When you sign up with one of our below options one of our staff members will upload 3 of your trails on your property. See the benefits and costing below.

Get your trails listed with us Contact us Member Options & Pricing

Equipment Rental

If you need to rent equipment, we probably have it! Getting out there is great, and outdoor adventure is food for the soul. But the costs can be daunting, especially if it’s a bucket list and you’ll never use all that specialist lit again.

Mountain Bikes



Sleeping Bags




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